Title: FEEL
Logline: Trapped in the depths of an ancient catacomb beneath Rome, ambitious actress Alice confronts her lover Simon’s dark secrets, but as the boundaries between reality and the supernatural blur, the horror makes her pay a harrowing price for her relentless pursuit of fame.
psychological thriller / horror / cyberpunk
Location: Rome, Los Angeles
Opening scene: A gritty, torch-lit catacomb beneath Rome. A girl in a flowing antique gown runs through a maze of bones and skulls, pursued by a cruel Roman centurion. He thrusts his sword wildly into the shadows as she hides, terrified. Desperate, she attacks, but the cold blade pierces her chest—blood spurts from her mouth. Death is near when—her phone rings. Both scream, ‘Jesus!’ She answers the phone, and the centurion curses like hell.
Description: Reflecting on the delicate balance between ambition and contentment, the film invites audiences to consider the consequences of their goals. ‘FEEL’ fuses psychological horror and drama to create something truly unique, thrilling and unsettling. The clever twists turn the expected into the unexpected yet inevitable, escalating the plot to the brink of the unbelievable while still managing to return to the real world in all its detail. That's why it will keep audiences guessing and on the edge of their seats until the last jarring frame, and spark thoughts long after they've left the theater.
Tone: The movie, FEEL combines the psychological twists of David Fincher’s The Game, the eerie visuals of The Cell, the clever thinking of Saw and the visceral energy of The Northman, all wrapped into a Faustian tale about ambition and the cost of success.
Check out our immersive pitch deck, packed with stunning concept art, a detailed story and director's statement, and last but not least, detailed investment information (10 mins read): FEEL PITCHDECK